Well, here I am at just shy of 35 weeks. I look at myself and wonder what I looked like before I was pregnant. I'm getting more excited, but some nerves are kicking in too. I'm most excited to meet him obviously, but I can't wait to see what he looks like too. I think I'm most nervous about the affect lack of sleep with have on both Mike and I. I know I can get mean and cranky when I'm running low on sleep. I'm worried that Mike and I are going to argue a lot. I want to breastfeed solely for about 3-4 weeks and then because of work start introducing a bottle a week at about 4 weeks. But I've also told myself that if breastfeeding becomes too much and I can't handle the stress or arguing with Mike, then I will stop. I want Mike and I to be a strong team and that won't happen if we're constantly at each other's throats. That's probably my biggest fear so far.
And....TA DA!!! The nursery is done!!
The crib and wall art monogram.
I am so glad the nursery is done and I can check this off my list of things to do!! Make everything seem a bit more real to walk into the room and know it'll be occupied soon enough!
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